“Vassalissa the Beautiful”

In this story, it is obvious that the heroine is a young girl and Baba Yaga is the villain. Baba Yaga provides a set of tasks for Vassalissa to complete. Scholar Andreas Johns states that this Baba Yaga taking on the role of a “hostile tester”, a subtype of a villain (Johns, 117). Baba Yaga is perhaps testing the heroine’s characteristics that will aid her in maturing into a young woman, such as diligence and compliance (Johns,120). These tasks provided by the villain, Baba Yaga, are preparing young Vassalissa for womanhood and a marriage where her role is the keeper of the house. At the end of the tale, Vassalissa marries the Tsar of the kingdom. This can be seem as her prize of completing the tasks successfully and therefore allows her to move onto the next phase of her life; marriage.

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