Baba Yaga as a Villian

Baba Yaga is most commonly known for her role as a villain. She is often portrayed as a old hag who “flies around using a mortar and pestle” (Baba Yaga in Popular Culture.), kidnapping and eating young children. When taking the role of the villain, Baba Yaga often provides an impossible task for the hero to complete. Failure to complete the task will ultimately result in death for the hero. The hero must be clever or use magical assistance to complete the tasks set forth by Baba Yaga and escape. Villain Baba Yaga is often used as a scare tactic for children growing up in Slavic culture. Parents threaten their children with a visit from Baba Yaga should they not do as they are told (Yegorov). Her monstrous demeanor when taking the role of the villain is enough to keep young children in line.

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