
Baba Yaga may still not have a concrete definition or role in Slavic Folklore, but she remains a key figure in many different types of folklore. Whether good or evil, she is still able to intrigue us with her mysterious ways, yet deter us with her unpleasant actions and gruesome appearance. However, though she may remain mysterious, Baba Yaga plays a crucial role in the character development of the heroes. Baba Yaga’s different roles shed light onto who the hero is becoming. Her tasks for female characters act a test on their transformation into womanhood and their readiness for husbandry and housekeeping (Forrester, Sibelan E. S., et al.). Her ruthless attitude and behavior towards male characters and failure to present them with tasks is symbolic of their transition into manhood and their growing ability to fend for themselves. Baba Yaga’s actions and behaviors act as a definitive role in the maturing and developing of these young characters.

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